Videos relacionados con comprar verbs patterns exercises


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  • Learn Aller and Venir with a French Teacher

  • ✅Clase 3:"Cómo Hacer Preguntas con el Verbo 'To Be' en Inglés"

    Bienvenido a "English Play Academy"

    Hola soy Mister Alí y este es mi curso completo de INGLÉS GRATIS.

    "En este video, aprenderás todo sobre cómo hacer preguntas en inglés utilizando el verbo 'To Be'. Exploraremos la estructura de las preguntas en inglés. Descubre los interrogativos en inglés, cómo formar preguntas con el verbo 'To Be' en su forma interrogativa. ¡Domina la gramática en inglés y mejora tus habilidades comunicativas! Únete a nuestras lecciones de inglés en YouTube para una educación efectiva en el idioma inglés."
    Accede a nuestra clase escrita y a los ejercicios interactivos:
    Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
    TikTok: @englishplayacademy
    Instagram: @englishplayacademy
    ✅ Ejercicios propuestos a desarrollar:
    Convierte las siguientes oraciones afirmativas a interrogativas, usando la estructura aprendida en clase:
    1- I am a teacher. (Yo soy un profesor.)
    2- You are my friend. (Tú eres mi amigo.)
    3- He is happy. (Él está feliz.)
    4- She is beautiful. (Ella es hermosa.)
    5- It is a cat. (Es un gato.)
    6- We are students. (Nosotros somos estudiantes.)
    7- You are smart. (Ustedes son inteligentes.)
    8- They are funny. (Ellos son divertidos.)
    9- This is a book. (Esto es un libro.)
    10- That is a car. (Eso es un carro.)
    Escribe tus respuestas en la caja de comentarios:

    Ver video "✅Clase 3:"Cómo Hacer Preguntas con el Verbo 'To Be' en Inglés""


    ¿Necesitas AÑADIR el ICONO de EMAIL en MICROSOT WORD pero NO SABES como HACERLO❓. En ESTE ☝ VÍDEO informativo te enseñaré como poner el símbolo de correo Word paso a paso:
    00:00 👉 Ejemplo
    00:28 👉 Le damos a "Insertar" y seleccionamos "Ecuación Símbolo"
    00:42 👉 Seleccionamos fuente "Segoe UI Symbol" y marcamos la "Área de Uso Privado"


  • Como fazer pulseiras de elástico: Triple Falsa #LoomBands (sem tear)

    How to do rainbow loom bracelets/loom bands bracelets. Como fazer pulseiras com elasticos, pulseira com garfo, pulseira com tear, rainbow loom bracelets, tutoriais de pulseira de elástico em português (Brasil). Nesse tutorial/DIY ensino a fazer pulseira com elásticos (rainbow loom bracelet/loom bands), no modelo/pattern/design tripla falsa (triple false). É bem simples e legal.\r
    ⭐ Onde comprar os elásticos? \r
    ⭐ Outros vídeos:\r
    - Pulseira de Elástico dos Minions: \r
    - Topo de Lápis do Minion Malvado: \r
    - Mais tutoriais: \r
    ⭐ Se inscreva no canal: \r
    ⭐ Mais tutoriais de pulseiras: \r

    Ver video "Como fazer pulseiras de elástico: Triple Falsa #LoomBands (sem tear)"

  • You Can Heal Your Life (Study Course) sub.ES

    Based on the best-selling book of the same name, this DVD shows you how to practice the principles of self-worth and self-esteem taught by Louise L. Hay. Watch as Louise teaches you how to transform negative beliefs and thoughts into positive, loving ones.
    By doing the exercises and repeating the affirmations and new thought patterns, you can learn to truly love who you are!

    Basado en el best-seller del mismo nombre, este DVD le muestra cómo poner en práctica los principios de auto-estima y la autoestima impartidos por Louise L. Hay. Mira como Louise te enseña cómo transformar las creencias y pensamientos negativos en positivos, los amorosos. Haciendo los ejercicios y la repetición de las afirmaciones y los nuevos patrones de pensamiento, se puede aprender a amar de verdad quién eres!

    Ver video "You Can Heal Your Life (Study Course) sub.ES"

  • I like singing, dancing, playing! - English Language Games

    Find this game and many more in my book ESL Games for Kids - Proven Ideas for Teaching English Through Listening Exercises, Fun Activities and Games \r
    DAY 15 - Easy and fun ion song to teach the verbs SING and DANCE and PLAY as well as the sentence structure for I like. . I use pencils and pretend they are microphones, then we all walk around in a circle while singing the song and doing the ions, I normally put a bongo drum in the middle of our circle but any instrument would work. For ex: singing with the microphone, dancing around in a circle, pretend to play a music instrument like guitar, piano, drum, etc.. Then when we sing SO we all jump to face the middle, SING (pretend to sing with microphone up to mouth) and DANCE (shake your body!) and PLAY (play the drum in the middle with the pencils). Have fun with this song!! Here are the lyrics:\r
    I like singing (x3)\r
    SO, Sing and Dance and Play!\r
    I like dancing (x3)\r
    SO, Sing and Dance and Play! \r
    I like playing (x3)\r
    SO, Sing and Dance and Play,Play,Play!!\r
    Subscribe to this channel and join in on the adventure of 365 days of English Language Games with Teacher Karlee! Youtube Channel: \r
    And join in on the conversation. I would LOVE to know when and how you use these songs/games/ivities with your kids and please share your variations and other ideas! \r
    Facebook: \r
    Twitter: \r
    Website: \r
    Are you an ESL teacher looking for some fun English language games to use in your ESL beginners class? I was too a few years ago and I was all on my own so I started creating English teaching materials that would make learning English FUN and exciting\r
    Hi! My name is Karlee Demierre but my kids know me as Teacher Karlee! Im Canadian but for the past 3 years I have been living in the cute tropical beach town of Trujillo, Honduras. In new, My husband and I miraculously created an English Language school in 2 weeks .which I like to refer to it as The Gongshow (Read the story on my site: ) \r
    Ive now been teaching English as a Second Language full time for a year at my school and absolutely love it! I teach 2 year old kids all the way up to adults, from the very basics to beginner to intermediate. \r
    This all began because I had been teaching an ESL beginners class to kids in Trujillo, Honduras for 2 years. Most ESL childrens classes have between 4 to 20 kids. well I threw myself in a classroom of 30 to 40 untamed pre-school and kindergarden kids! (just to prove my sanity. I even volunteered!!) With no curriculum, no lesson plans, no previous experience and no guidance, I was on my own diving into this fun adventure called teaching English as a Second Language! The best part was that during this adventure of mine, I discovered that teaching kids was truly my lifes passion!\r
    A few years ago, I started to search online to get some ideas and I soon discovered that there wasnt much available that would keep these kids engaged, encourage them to participate in class and overall really learn English. So I started creating English language games and other English teaching materials that would engage my kids, accelerate their learning and really make learning English FUN for them! \r
    My mission is that these English language games will spark participation and ignite learning in your ESL beginners class. My goal is to give you some English teaching materials that will make it easy for you to teach ESL children and make it FUN for the kids to learn English!\r
    So Im setting out to share my JOY with the world and I hope these English teaching materials and other ideas I share will help bring more LAUGHTER and PARTICIPATION to your ESL childrens class and all the kids you LOVE! . keep PLAYING and LEARNING!\r
    Teacher Karlee :-)

    Ver video "I like singing, dancing, playing! - English Language Games"

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